How safe is shopping at F-150AUTO?
Shopping at F-150AUTO is very safe.F-150AUTO takes advantage of Secure Socket Layers (SSL) to encrypt all transactions that require personal information. All user data including names, credit card numbers, Paypal account and addresses are scrambled over the internet.F-150AUTO uses security questions for identification and protection.The log out process is designed to protect customers using public computers.
One of the most effective ways to protect yourself when you shop online is to only do business with reputable companies, like F-150AUTO.
Where can I find more information about products?
F-150AUTO offers product detail information including manufacturer, cost, availability and features. Customers can select and compare specific products.
What are the hours for Customer Support?
Customers can shop online at F-150AUTO anytime. Customer Support is available 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. ET, Monday through Friday. Contact Customer Support via email at customer info@f-150auto.com.
Is there a registration fee with F-150AUTO?
There’s no charge to create an account with F-150AUTO. It’s completely secure and takes just a few moments.
Why should I create an account on F-150AUTO?
* All your searches for parts and accessories will be tailored to you and your vehicle(s).
* You won’t have to re-enter your vehicle, billing or shipping information each time you visit F-150AUTO.
* You’ll have complete access to your order history.
* You’ll be able to personalize your account and indicate your communication preferences.
Can I make a purchase on F-150AUTO without creating an account?
Yes, if you choose to check out as a guest you will simply receive an order confirmation email and an order shipping information email. However, you will need to re-enter your mailing and billing information for any future orders. We suggest creating a F-150AUTO account in order to save time on future orders.
Can I check on my order history on F-150AUTO without creating an account?
F-150AUTO does not save guest order history. Order history is a benefit of creating a F-150AUTO account.
What information do I need to provide when I complete my profile online?
To complete your account profile, you will need to sign up for a F-150AUTO account. To sign up for a F-150AUTO account, you will need to provide your name, email address, and phone number. You will also need to establish a password that is easy for you to remember.